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Are you ready for the big Spring Clean?

In recent weeks we’ve seen a marvellous glimmer of longer days and warmer weather on the horizon as we look ahead to the long summer holidays.

It’s around Easter time when homes, schools, and businesses all over the UK get into the Spring cleaning spirit, throw open windows to let fresh air in, and have a good clear-out of things no longer needed.

This year, spring cleaning is expected to be bigger than ever, thanks to the Japanese tidying gurus such as Marie Kondo and Instagram cleaning aficionado, Mrs Hinch. It’s a yearly rite of passage that takes time and effort, and, for schools, it’s an excellent opportunity to begin getting classrooms ready for the end of one year and the start of a new one when September rolls around.

When doing your Spring Cleaning, whether at home or at school, a great place to start is with decluttering. This will often give you more space for a better stab at the cleaning afterward.

So, when sorting your stuff, create three piles – ‘Keep’, ‘Throw Away’ and ‘Donate/Sell’. By donating, recycling, or selling as many items as possible, you’ll reduce the amount of waste and help benefit the environment in the process.

Once the sorting out is complete, it’s time to clean and freshen all the shelves and cupboards while they’re still empty, before replenishing them with the items you’ve decided to keep.

At Paper Plus we have a wide range of cleaning and maintenance products to help keep schools sparkling… from black sacks to help clear away the rubbish to microfibre cloths and other cleaning materials to make your school shine.

Here are just a few of our most popular Spring Cleaning products:

centrefeed roll

Centrefeed Roll 

mopping unit


Ergonomic Heavy Duty Mobile Mopping Unit 


Stiff Bassine Broom with Handle 


Get organised with Gratnells storage trays

To find more about the school supplies and spring cleaning products we provide shop online now or get in touch with a member of our team for further details on 01444 238050 / email

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